contradiaeth not Scriptures: 23,1 fwer with them,that by A LL ofnecefïitiewe muff underffand_generafingulorurn,notfingt_ la generum: But becaufe we' conceive it fpo- ken de 'roluntate fimplicis corrplacentix, we allow the extent untoall, but deny that it contraditeth thedecrees of Predeffination or Reprobation: becaufe they imply a will in God of infallibly working or notawork- iing the fame in fingular perlons. For the fecond Anfwer which he taketh upon him toconfute, namely ofthe reveal- ed and ficret will of God ; he fhould firth have rightly let it down, and thenhave try- ed his ftrength in confuting it. We fay that 'there is in God a true will revealed in the Gofpel ofSaving all men that (hall believe; anda true will Liking, Embracing, Reward- ing faith, holinef 'e, perfeverance in all men whomfoever without any diffindion of perlons: And this is the will called volun- tcrs fimplicis complacentix; , which neither decreethnor determineth any thing infalli- bly concerning the being or not being of filch good ads in this or that fingular per- fon. This will we know ; and therefore we call it his Revealed will. There is allo in God a fecert will of Bringing fome men unto faith , unto perfeverance, unto the kingdome, of heaven ; of Not -bringing force others unto anyof thefe, and of Per- mitting them to fall into the contrary evils through.