2 2.2 The Sublaprarian docirine through their' own default : This will we know not; and therefore wecall it the f - cret will ofElec ionand Reprobation. Not. withffanding the former will of God ma- ny millions of men are neither faved nor brought to the flying knowledge caf the truth : but the latter will is alwayes anfwer- ed by the infallible event. This no Divine can denie: And 'therefore under pretenfe of the former generall condicionare will, which is voluntaas Approbationis in regard of the object , and which faileth of the event oftentimes in regard that many f regular perfons fail in performing the conditions, to go about the cancelling of a fecret and more effetuall, will of God, which de- creeth the produ&ion of that-good in force perfons whichhe liketh and alloweth in all, is no fair dealing. Albeit thereforewe grant a generali declared will of God for faxing all men which (hall believe in C riff , yet therewithall we maintein a fpeciall and fe- cret will of God extended unto fo.mz part onelyof mankind, purpofng,eternally and in time working faith and perfeverance in all thofe which de faro are raved. b Ell pars atedars humani generis quee fpeczalrbud be- neficiis ad eeternatn (Tureen provehitur. And of there we fey with Auguffin{e, c Tales erant futuri , quia elegie Deisrude f1i; ans ut tales pergratiarn ej u , e cht. The Vide Rrtit. weVol. dify.19.5. EZ,13.?9" Penott. lib. , 4 §.z0. bTap. De vocat. a. 3 1