contraditeth not Scriptures. 22 3 The inference, That Gods wordis not true uncle° he mull have all men to be Paved, is granted devoluntate Complacente , denied de voluntate Decernente. Unleffe we admit of this diftin Lion we make that word ofGod untrue, uicquid voluit fecit in calo terra. Neither are thefe wills contrary ; Volo omnes fieri falvos , Volo omnes fieri creden- tes; Nolo aliquos facere falvos, Nolo aliquos uaat! a facere credentes. For the event proveth carer. ad the truth of the latter , and the Scripture 77' of the former. ¡yak. ,Rui . Di fput. 17. §o 3. 5. z. P E r. 3.9. God ispatient towards us, and Ad 5- wouldhaveno man to perilb, but n ouldall men 1f jhoculdcome to repentance.] This is a negative propofition , and muff be taken diflributively : andtherefore at flatly contraditieth abfolute Re- probation. Take it diflributively, yet it noway con- traditeth that abfolute Reprobation which is oppofed to abfolute Predeflination. Ru- iz defcribeth it thus ; d Reprobatio formalizer d DePræel. ultimò con lituiturper imperium intelleclâs azfp''5'44 Divini ordinantis tali modo per talla media cum talibus circumftantiis permittendum cffe peccatum, finalem reprobati imponitentiam, 6 propter illam o,tdenantis aeternam ejuspuni - tionem. If the Apoflle had Paid , Godnever de- creed