Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

contradicleth not Scriptures. peaation muff needs croi% the decree of Reprobation. In a word ; If this Authour will bring Scripture to overthrow the abfolute decree of Predeflination andReprobation, he muff bring finch places as prove God hath not decreed the infallible converfion and falva- tion of certain fingular perlons , and God bath not decreed the permiflion of force mens obduration and perdition : which we know hecan never do. His fixth Teflimonyout of Scripture is taken from certainconditional) propofitions, which promife Gods favour andeternal) life untomen upon conditions ; namely, If they Peek him, If they do well, Ifthey th believe, If they perjevere, &c. and which fufpend his wrath and utter defertion upon their Sinning and Forfaking of God. Upon thefe premifes whereas weexpelled this conclufion, There- fore in Godthere is noeternaldecree of abroluté Prede(lination and abfolute Non-predestinati- on, Preterition or negative Reprobation he ftarteth afide from the queftion, and infer- reth, That God j erfaketh or rejec`lethfrom f l- vation no man in time and in deed till he have firff in time anddeed caft-offGod. Upon the truthofwhichconclufion we (hall not much flandwith himo But to .anfwer more clearly to the point in handsVic muff fiat confider that mere or purely 225 Ad 6a