226 The Sublapfariatts Doaritse purely conditional! decrees or conditional! volitions agree not with the perfection of fRuk. De the Divine nature. r Vslitiones pureconditio- vo:unt.difp nales flint alien à f pientia prudentia Dei. 20. §. f. á vafg. in g Volunt<rs.Dei conditionata dicipotefl,nonquia in1.difp.83. feraturin objellumfubconditione,fed quia pag. s I' ex iliavoluntatequeprafns efi alia oriretur fi conditio in objello poneretur. The fpeeches, therefore above-cited out of Scripture do not imply a Conditional! will in God fuf- pended for any moment of time, and then idewui pofiPuri ficatam conditioners becoming anAb- De/cierst. foluteandEffetuall will,as the like conditi- dijp.71.§.7 onall propofitions do in us, who have nei- ther knowledge whether thecondition will becertainly performed or no, nor yet power in our felves to work the conditionwhere- upon the futureadof our will was fufpend ¶,uk. De ed. But in God , who knoweth eternally volunt.difp. what every man will door not do, and who 8° g' inhimfelfhath an abfolute power and free- dome to make men doanygood whereunto hemaketh promife of reward, and to leave them to their own defehive Free-will in do- ing thole things for whichhe bath threaten- ed defertion and deflruhion, thefe conditi- onall decrees or volitions muff be farre otherwife conceived5namely, not purely but mixtly conditionalia that is, grounded in fome abfolute revealed decree ofGod to the performancewhereof he hath tied himfelf. For