Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

contradiaeth not Scriptures. For example; It is anabfolute decree of the Divine will publifhed in the Gofpe!, That whofoever repenteth , believeth , perfevereth, [hall be f ved : From hence is derived that mixt conditional! decree, if Cain, i f fuck, if any other repent andbelieve, they(hall be f - ved. Now filch mixt conditional' decrees carry no contradiction to the abfolute de- crees of Eletion and Non election or Re- probation. For who Teeth not that thefe two propofitions may well (land together, Iwill that ifludo repent andbelieve he limit have remifsionand(alvation ; I will not give unto 9udas thegift ofrepentance, o ffaith, and of eternal! life The former conditional! propotition conteineth all which this Au- thour can truly collect from the teflimonies alledged; and the latter cloth as truly inferre that abfolute Reprobation for which we contend. For the abfolute decree of God refolving not to givefaith, repentance, and eternall lifeunto Judas, is that which we un- derfland by the word Reprobation: and this is never abrogated by any conditional! pro- mile founded in any univerfall abfolute do cree of God. Now for this inference, That Godfofa- keth no man confidered in thefill, till by aaa- ail finiaes and continuance in them he forfake God; (as beforewas intimated) it is not the concluding of the true queílion. Tempo- Pz rill 227