The Sublapfarians doctrine rail Defertion or Damnation is one thing, and Non-cletion or negative reprobation, another. Temporali forfaking is a with- drawing of grace or favour formerly be- llowed upon a man in regard of his ingrati- tude and other finnes. And here weaffent unto Augufline & Profper, the ftrongmain - teiners of AbfolutePredef?ination and op- pofersof Conditionate; Deus nondefrit niß defrtus. Temporal! rejeéing from falvation isan adjudging of men unto damnation as being liable thereunto for their own finnes and ntifdeferts. And here we accord with the fame learned Fathers; Mifericorditer berat jufè damnat. Now Reprobation is Gods abfolute decree of not-preparing for force that grace which would preferve them from forfaking God, and confequently per- mitting them to lofeeternal' life ; even as PredefIination is Gods abfolute decree of Preparing for others that effeduail grace whichwill keep them fr' falling away from God, & foconfequently infalliblybring thé unto the kingdom of God.Thefe decrees be they whichwe deny tobe founded upon any different forefeen asofmen: and therefore we referre them to the abfolute will of God. As for temporali Defertion or eternal! Punition or Damnation of any man , we grant they all wait upon Sinne as the antece- dent deferving caaufe thereof. Whereas