Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

234 71be Sublapfarians doarine ?reata f , I. Repug- Irfi, it fighteth (fl) with Gods Holíne, and maketh to Gods him the principal" caufe of finne in the greaten number a of wren. I know that the defenders of it do not think fo. For thetnain reafon which moved the Synod at Dort(B) and force other Divines before and fiance to bring down Prede. ílination thus law; and begin their Reprobation after the fall, was that they might maintcin a fatall and abfolute Re- * nr'iviffe probationofinen,&yet avoid this imputation as *Dr'Twilfe V,ind.Grat. bath noted. But what they intended (for ought that I can fee) t.I.part.t, they havenot compaffed. For it foilovveth evident enough, A4. z tirao. even from their conclufìons too that of all the fsnnes of Reprobates , which are the great& number by many de- grees, God is the true and principali authour. Two things (C) they fay, wchtaken together (me thinks) inferre it: r. That God of hisown will and pleafure bath broughtmen intoan effate in which they cannot avoid finne. !CaivinIn- z. That he leaveth the Reprobate irrecoverably in it. n.l..c.z ' I. That God ofhis own will and pleafure bath brought men into an eflate in which they cannot poffibly avoid finne: that is, into the elate oforiginal' finne, which con- fifteth of tuvo parts: r. The guilt of Adams tranfgreflion; z. Thecorruption of nature. In both thefe they ,fay man- kind is intereífed , not through the force and efhciencie of naturali generation, becaufe we all derive our natur front. Adam as our firí} principle; but by Gods free and'volun- f 3 3 fed. 7.NOR enim faftum eft naturali- ter, ut à fa- lute exctde- rent omnes unius paren- tisculpa. b Cuneios thous tar order and imputation: a It came not to palle by any union houri- y P nisperfona naturali means (faith Calvine) that all men fellfrom falva- morti ater- fion by thefault ofour fir.fI parent: b that all men are held næmancipa.. "Ender theguilt ofeternall death in theperfon of one man, it tos pfuiffe is the clear andconfiant voiceofScripture.. Now this cannot Scri tara clamar: hoe be afcribed to any nzturall caufe. it mu/t therefore corne dun naturz from the wonderfull counfel of God. A little afrer he kath ferbiea ab the fame again with as great anemphafis; C How is it, that sdm fo irabili many nations with, their children fboouid be involved in Dei confitio thefall without remedy,biet becaufe Godzv.mid have it ra?As profenum roundly doth D.x Tvviffeaffirm the fame; d The guilt oforigi- effe minime obfcnrum eft- c Quomodo faftum eft, ut tot gentes uni cum liberiq eorum io . fa+ribus, zrernæ morti involveret lapfus Adz abfque remedio, nifi g uia Den ìiá vií m efts d rvwig -e Uznd.grat. 1.t. part.". drgr. 4. V. 3. Dope fanem; Origi- Matis peccati reatusnon nifi imputations, lues non nifi propagatione ad nos deriva- tur: quorum utr,aqúe thon nifi à liberi Dei conttirutioneproñcifcitus.