Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

oppugneth Gods FHoline ?. 2 3 ï nail Crone is derived to us onely by imputation; the filth onely by propagation: and both thefe onely by Gods free con- nim na- ftitution. A little before he hath thefe vvords, eEte The fault tart itium ®f our *awe cometh fromGods free appointment: for h oth non elf cuiq; . not out of any necefsitie , but of his mere will onely i rite fuum volun- the Crone of ,,edam to us. To this purpofe he fpeaketh agreat tate r m p&áa deal more in the fame place. To thefe fayi c ngs S. Bernard fed folâ im- hath the like: Speaking of Adams finne, he faith, fAdams fed fn a f nne isauothers, becaufe we knew not of it; and yet ours, aut propaga- becaufe itvas through the jolt though fecret jtidgement of tione Jeri- Ged reputed ours. vatum;qua- And this that they fay is agreeable to reafon. For ifwe be fievolun áGe fallen into the guilt of the firft- finne and the corruptionof Deá. Deus . nature, onelybecaufe vve were in Adams loynswhen he fin- necetnn11 ned and derive our being from him , then thefe two things fed pro mere will follow. fed volun- 1. That we (D) ftand guilty of all the finnes whichA. tate nobis dam committed from his fall to his lives end. For we were i puma Á - ! virtually in his loyns as well after his fall as before, and in cat Sean. every paffage andvariation of his life he was ílill a principle ,. Dom.1. of mankind. But where do we reade that we are guilty of pofi Epiph. any other of his finnes ? To the firlt (inne onely doth the Aliena eft, Scripture entitle that finne and mifery which entred into the dam in A- world, and invaded all mankind , as we may fee Rom. 5.15 darnprunes I 6, 17, &C, peccavimus; z. ,That children (E) are guilty ofthe fnnes of all their noftra, quia grog f ours, efpecially of their immediate parents: For they ct tarnen ' wert Meheir loyns when they finned, and more immediate- peccavimus, ly then ¡in Adams,. But children are not guilty of their pa- $tnobís ju- rents faul'ttnor°'obioxious to their puni(hments,becaufe they ílo Dei con- t are their children, we may fee Exod, to. S. v/here God í;ro imputa- 'ás batur,licèt 'laying that he will' sfit the finites of the fathers upon the occult°. children to the third `and fourth gei eration in :hem that hatehim, plainly implyeth; thatchildren are not limply char- gçi with their fathers finites ,1tie;tlondrssonally if they be ha- tires of God as their fathers were; if by imitating theirvvic- ked parents they become partakers oftheir finnes. In Ezek. 18.14. &c. The Lord (ignifieth thus much in his apologie against the cavill of the Jews. For fiat he faith, That ifa ricked manbeget a Conne that feeth his fathers finnes and dòthnot the like , he (hall not die for the iniquity of his ¢,ether. This implyeth that the derivation of being from the parent loth not rerkder the child obtioxicais to the punith- y ment