236 The su6lapfmans adcrine mcnt ofthe fathers finne, nor confequently to the finne. For the good child is not obnoxious, and yet the good child is equally in the fatherr loyns with the bad, and equally recd. vet ature and being from him. And then verf z o. the Lo lleth them expreffely thus mush in two propofitions: I. A rrnatively, Thefoul thatfinneth, it fhafl die.Anil that it may be known that he fpeaketh excluf vely,Oraely the foul that finneth,thall die, hedelivereth his mind z. Negatively; The (once ¡hall not bear the iniquity ofthefather,neìther(hall thefather bear the iniquityofthe lone, &c. Our Saviour in that tuofuli fpcech of his to the Pharifees, Match. z ;. 3 a,34 Fulfllye al,o the mea(ureofyòur fathers. - -- Behold 1fend untoyou Prophets, &c. them ye ¡hall kill andcrucifde, that onyou may tomeall the righteous blood, &c. intimateth ap. parently, that the Pharifees were not inheritours of their fa. thers finnes and punifhments by bird; but by thecommiffîon and imitation of their fathers fanner, they carne to inherit both their firmes and plagues. Miferable wouldour cafe be onwhom the ends of the world are come, if children (hould be guilty of all their anceflcurs prevarications. What a worldof finnes lhould webe to anfvver for, Perforiall Cranes, Parents, Progenitours finnes , to a thoufand paft generati. ens? A thing with no rcafon to be imagined. This is the firft thing. Il. Secondly, they fay (F) that God had immutably de. creed to leave the faire greateft part of mankind in this im.. potent condition irrecoverably, and to afford them no p,wer and ability fufñcient to make them rife out of finne to new. nefl"e of life: and this decree he executeth in time: and both there he cloth out of his onely will and plcafnre. Of this propofition there be three branches : i. God decreerh to leave them. z. HeBoth leave them, 3. He cloth both out of his alone pleature. i. God (fay they) bath ( G ) decreed to leave themwith- out fufftcient grace , and contequently under an everlaff- ingneceffitie of finning. This is the very Helenwhich they light for, the main act of that abfolute Reprobation which with joynt content and endeavour they labour to maintein. Moff ofthem call their Reprobatidn into two ass: a 2- gative, which is a peremptory denial' of grace andglory to fo,ne men lying in the fall; and a Pofitive, which they fly is a preordination of men thus left to the eternall torments of hell. Others among them define R eprobation by an act ,nnercly