Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

vppugneth GodsHoiinefe. merely negative , and call it wLon-elellionem , decretum gtto îatuit non eó ufque mifereri, &c. Thus our Divines * in their *Sufraó.Bvie Suffrage define it : and in their explication of the definition x de which they give , they fay that the proper alts ofReproLti- P j on, as it ffandeth-oppofed to Ele6tion, are no other t o deniall of that fame glorie and grace which are prepare in rihedecree of Eleftion for the fonnes of God. But in this (H ) they all agree , that by the decreeofReprobation grace neceffaty for the avoidingof finne is flatly denied to Repro- bates. And ifat any time we hear them fay that God bath gratified Reprobates with Come grace ; (for fo faithWalavus, Reprobates are left r under the common providence of God, g Wal.beft4: and confequently under Come common endowments : And .,Anat..A-l- our Divines in the Synod fay , h 7eprobates though they are Ren I c. De not elecáed, vet receive many ofGods graces ) they are to he un- ino & derítood of fuch gifts and graces as are infufcient to make pr}firb exercitto them avoid finne, as we may fee in their two cited placesand arbitrii fui, many more. & admoini- z. God doth (I ) a6lually according to his eternall and ommunís unchangeable decree leave the Reprobates in their feverall providentix. times and generations , without his grace, under a necefiitie h Sufic?. B'zt. of finall finne and impenitencie. This is the fecond branch the%4. de Re- pot,. ofthat fecond propofition. And this muff they needs fay. For non ele t- Gods decrees cannot be fruftrated: What he purpofed before &os, perci- time, without fail he daeth in time . I fhall not need therefore pere tarnen toprove that they fay fo. Neverthelefíe , to let it be fan how multa ;rata ofitivel and categorically they fa fo, I will give an inftance Divine ne- or y Y Y g &a non two. The Divinos (N) of Geneva at the Synod among gamus. their Theses of Reprobation have this for one, 1 Thofe whom i Act Syn. God bath reprobated, out of the fame will by which he bath Srtffr.Gsnev. rejelted them , either he calleth not at all, or being called, he Yard e m per- reneweth not thronghly by the Spirit ofregeneration, ingraffeth fonas in rem- not into'CbriJl' myflically, nor jufiifieth, &c. Like to this is the pore, ex eo- fpeech (L) of Lubbert, who fpeaking of Reprobates, faith, dem piacito k To them either revealeth not thewa i- vs y o ff alvation or vet l non vs notfaith and regeneration, but leaveth them infinne and cat, vel vo- mifrie. Tt fame Authour fpeaking againft the pofition of caros in Ec- the Remonffranrs, vii; r.hat God doth fupply to all men .firffn clefiam Spi. situ regne- cient andneceffary means ofCalved°;., with an intentionof14- ration:s nom renovat pe- nitiffìmé , non inferir Chriflo myfticé , non jufliócat, &c. k Suffi. Litt- be-it de Rcprob. lis vel non revelat vi am falutis, vel non donar eos fide & cogmtione Tern Chrifti, non tebignit cos , non ja.ftiffcat, fed reliaquit eos in peccato 8t mi- feria, &c, 237