Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

2 38 7i he Subiap[rians detlrine I Deus non ving them, fetteth down this antithefas,-- ?God doth not atcl fubminiftrat minifler to all men means needfull and fuffacient to falvation, omnibus ho- and that with an intention offaving.them. And to this his an. minibus ne- ti Polyander, waives, and Thyfigs , three other Pr. r.ofef- ffcie Sc fDivinitie in the Low-countreys, did let their hands mediie. ntia y , media ad fa- clod both (M) decreeth and executeth this leaving of lutem, ídque men to thernfclves , of his alone abfolutewill and pleafure: cum intentr- This is the third branch. That they fay fo, witnefhe the one fervßndi. Suffrage ofour En lifh Divines mWe a rm That this IVon- m Suffr.8-rir. g g ; ," , art.t.deRe- election isfoundedin the moll freepleafure ofGod. And, n That pokexplic. 'no man lying in thefall is part over by the mere willof God, is the.t th numbred by the fame Divines among the heterodox poftions. non-eleâio- To this purpofe allo (peak the Miniiers of the Palatinate, nem in liber- ° The caufe of Reprobation is the molt free and jusî will of rima Dei vo- God.-- P ,That God paffeth over forme and denieth them ,the muntate fun- . grezce,of the górpel,the caufe is the fame free pleafisre ofGod. n Maher 3. q God decreed to leave force in the fall , ofhis own good plea- , heterodox. fare. Thus the Divines of Hefen. The proof of this they Nemi.nem fetch from the executionof this decree in time ; r God Bath in poft lapfum time leave fameof mankind fallen , andBoth not bellow upon mers Dei voluntate themmeans necef%ary to believe, &c. and this out ofhis moil free przteritum pleafure. This they joyntly affirm, and prove it by this reafon eire efpecially; All men were looked-on as fanners : If(inne (WJ ,dud PáÌt. r therefore were the caufe that moved God to reprobate, he Chef. 3. Caufa fhould have reprobatedor reje&ed all. But he did not reprd- reprobatio- ! bate all-: Therefore for finne he reprobated none, but for his nis eft liber- own pleafure, in which we mull reft without Peeking any rima ac ju- other caufe. ltillima Dei voluntas. Now from there two things laid together, vit. T. That p rbid,the¡.4, God did bring (0) men into a neceffitie of finning; a. That Qued Deus lie bath left the reprobates under this neceffitie : itwill follow nonnullos that he is the authour of the reprobates finnes. præterit bra- tra prædica- T. Becaufe cauta caufe eft caufà caufati, The caufe of a noms cyan- caufe is the caufe of its effcft, (if-there be a neceffary fubordi- gelii, ejus nation between the caufes and the effect ; ) whether it be a idemeft caufe by a&s negative or pofitive : But God is the chiefor fole idem bene- placitum fr- caufe (by their do&rine) of that which is the neceffary and ve eadem immediate caufe of the finnes of Reprobates, 'namely their libera vo- luntas. q _ludic. Vol. H.:ffiac. Decrevit Deus quofdam in lapfu & miferia relinquere pro fuo beneplacito. r Deus in tempore quofdam é genere humano derelinquit in miferia +ìia, nec meda ad fidem St convertionem ipsámque etiam falutem ob- tineudam ncceffaria eis con`ei t , &c. ídque pro liberrima fua voluntate. imp4-