Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

concerning Predeflination. Rhegienfis bath the like or wore : Salts hominidnon inpraedeflinatione Fatioris,fed in operatione famulant4 collocate eft. Non ell fpecialiscirca credentes Dei munificentia. Pr-- deflinatio ad ju.litiam pertinet. Nifi pnefá entia exploravcrit , preedeflinatio nihil de- cernit. 7uflitia periclitabitttr fi fine merito indignus eligitur. Untó all thefe and the like inferences and opinions we briefly anfwer three things. Firft, That Predeftination is abfolute, not becaufe it intendeth the bringing of any man unto eternal' life without performing theconditions which God requireth in the Gofpel, as Repenting , Believing, Perfeve- ring, and the like ; but becaufe God in his moft gracious decree of Eleéion doth as abfolutely and certainly ordain men unto faving grace as unto everlaftingglory. Se- condly, That in the Divine Predeftination there is alwayes included a prefcience of the faith and perfeverance of all filch as are ele6ted : yet fo, that this prefcience is not the antecedent motive unto their Ele- ¿ion; but this forefeen faith and perfeve- . ranee is a confequent fruit or effect of the Divine E1eaion. Laftly, That there is a decree conditional) eftablifhed by God concerningmans falvation, namely, That if any man repent, believe and perfevere, he thanmolt certainly be faved,I3ut we fay it is an