TheSublapprians do7rifewl"...11 Whether Abfolute Reprobationfight with Gods Holine. --Ie abfolute Reprobation which we 11 mainrein is nothing elfe but an abfolute purpofe in Godofnot bellowing grace in- fallibly bringing unto glory upon fore men, whichhe hath abfolutely purpofed to bellowupon others. And thiswe evidently groundupon the Doctrine of our Church, which acknowledgeth Predeflination to be a fpeciall favour or benefit extended to a certain number known onely to God, from whence faith, perfeverance and eternall Iife do flow as effc6ts from the caufe. And becaufe the affirmation ferveth to meafure the negation, our Church fpeaking in the ar- ticle nothing at all ofNon - elution or Non- predeflination, leaveth it obvious to every mans underflanding that all not comprifed within the number of the elect mutt needs fall within the number of the non-elect, as being permitted deficereà gratia&glorïa by theirown'defaulr. And further, our Church inadding, Notwithf$anding thedecree ofPrey delunation andEle, ionGodsgenerallpromifs muse received dis they arepropounded in the Gofpel, intimateth, That thedecrees of Ele- tion& Non- elehion or Reprobation may fland firm cum pofsibilitate ad eventus con- trarios though not cum eventis contraries. For Pcter