Aim 242 The sublapfarians doctrine withmaintenance of a fatalidecree, is to little purpofe. If he call thatfatall which is cer- tain and immutable, we arenot afraid to af- firm that all Gods eternal! decrees are cer- tain and immutable; and that very eternal' decree of Reprobation which he imagineth to follow upon the forefight of mens finali impenitency is as abfolute as immutable,and in this fenfe as fatali as that which we de- fend. S. Auguftinedid not abhorre Fatum: a De vat. a Sipropterea quifquam res humanasfato tri- lib. 5.c. i. duit, quia ipfam Dei voluntatem velpoteflatem Fati nomine appellat,fententiam teneat,linguam corrigat. Others admit the word, and give this definition of it, as Boethius; Fatum eft immobilis difpofatio rebus mobilibus inh.erens. b Part.I. Aquinas Fatum eft ordinariofecundarum cau- qu.116 f rum adeffetáus Divinitusprovifos: I might rt'' cite infinite Authours who reje6ing Fatum afrologicurnadmit Fatum Theologicun or Ca- tholic° fenfu acceptum. Vide Parifien f m r. part. De univerfo, part. 3. cap. 24. p4 .746, 747. Halenfempart. T . quaft. 27. Albertum part. i . tracrl. i 7. Durandum, lib. I. difl. 39. q3.0.4. I havequotedall thefe becaufe this Authour throughhis whole book thinketh he bath beatendownabfolute Predeflinati- on to the ground if he can but fallen the name or bare conceit of Fatalitie upon it. As for the Synod of Dort , it confidered not Predeftination and Reprobation in IMO cor-