Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

opptigneth not Gods Flolinefé. corrnpta to maintein a fatal! decree. For con- fider it before or after the decree is alike fa- tall, if immutability of events decreed by God be termed fatality. And put it before or after , it neither way maketh God the principali caufe of finne: which is clear in non-e1ed angels, in whom Reprobation confidered before the fall is by no judicious Divine conceived to make God the caufe of their finne. But he goeth about to prove that abfolute Reprobation maketh God the Authour of finne, becaufe force defenders thereof fly two things fromwhence(he thinketh) it may be inferred That God is the principali caufe of finite. Suppofe force who hold abfolute Reprobation fhould therewithall hold not two onely but ten falfe tenents, is the falfity of thefe a necef hry medium to conclude the falfity of the other As if' he that holdall two falfe propofitions,might not for all that hold a third which is true. His firft Propofition wherewith hechar_ Beth the defenders of abfolute Reprobati- on, is, That God ofhis own will andpleatre bath brought men into an eflate inwhich they cannot avoidfinne,nafnelhinto the elute o fori- ginzll finne and that both in regard of the &uilt and of the corruption. This is both odiouflyand faifely fet down. NoMan holdeth that God brought Adams 243 C