244 The Sublapfarians doc`lrine pofterity either into the eftate of their guilt or of their corruption : but all maintein that it was Adam himfelf who byhis voluntary prevarication inwrapped himfelfand hispo- flerity both in the guilt and contagion of Rom.5.22. originall fin. Per unu'nhominempeccatum in hunc naundii intravit,&per peccatummors.So that both the finne and the punifhment were brought in by man andnot by God. Or if a further caufe mull needs be foundofbring- ing-in finne and death , the devil muff be Ofd. 2.24. charged therewithall. Invidi2 diaboli, &c. It is true, and acknowledged generally by Divines bothofour Church and ofthe Ro- mane,`fhat it was not by any naturalt necef- fity that Adam falling his pofterity fhould be either univerfally tainted with originali finne or liable unto death , but that both the fe depended d libero ' ei decreto or as fomecall it ei paao, wherein it was agreed that if Adam perfevered in his righteouf- neffe he fhould IranEmit it to his pofterity, if be rebelled he fhould make his whole po- flerity liableboth to the corruption offinne and dangerof punifhment. And that this Authour may fee that others ( who deny God tobe thecaufe of finne) do hold as much as Calvine , or Dr Twiße , I will quote him force Authours. And firfl to begin with the Matter of the fenten- ces; He teacheth that not God but Adam brought