Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

oppugnethnot Gods Holineffe. 245 brought men into their eftateof finne. C Per `Lib.zedifi. Adamumpeccatum fmul acpana tranfait inpo- 30 fleros. Ex Adamo damnationem fimul ac cul- pam fufcepimus. ZTemo na f ittir nifi trahens pænam ¿ rneritumpæn,e. Ex Adami inobedi- entia emanavit 6- in pofleras demigravit. So that there is no queflion Whobrought in this fin : All the queff.ion is, How it cometh to paffe that fo unavoidably and generally it layette hold uponall the fons ofAdam. Here even the Romane Divinesare driven tocon. feffe with Calvine,that this dependeth upon a free conflitution or decree of the Divine will:becaufe naturali propagation wouldnot have (tripped Adams poílerity of any habi- tual rig,hteoufneffe which Godhad beftow- ed upon him,orcharged themwith the guilt of any finne perfonally committedby him, had not God enacied and conftituted a de- cree that fo it fhould be. Valquez is clear of this opinion;d Primoparenti itáfaitgratia d to 01 Z4, juititiadonata, ut non tantalmfari fedetiam 2' ca . d.fp. i 3 i p.g. poileris tranfmittendam illam acceperit , non quidem ex natura rei,fed ex Dei paclione. And more plainly;CCaufa ori,inalispeccati faitpri- e Difp. i 3 3 musparens cationefux tranfgrefiionis, non qui- cap. I. dem phyfica naturalis, quianihil reale inpo- feros traaiucere potuit virtutepropria aut vir- tutepeccati goodcommifat. And a little after; Negarenonpo`fumus exvoluntatefola Dei con- flitutumfauifie utgrati originalis traduceretur Q3 t