Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

246 The Sublapfarians docirine záßpo.Fteros ¡Adamus in ;ratiapertveraret, 6 amitteretur fi peccaret. Malderus alfo grant- ed] that the contagion and guilt of Adams (Trine is not derived unto his poflerity but by Gods free conflitution; f Notandum, cùrn De- rs totum humanumgenus in uno hominecondi- di et, indebitam naturæ juflitiam originalem homini dedi f , nonpro le tamùm,fdpro to- tapofleritate; adeó utfi ipfeperfeveraflet, ornes pofieri nafcerentur jufli,.. Pauli Off; Deus cum damn quafipaclum quoddam rout,, quopr4e- varicantifatueret non tantrum ipfi fedtoti na- g d. turimortem anime & corporis. g Fuit quod- damy °i dccretum, ex quo decreto acceffupecca- tifuperfuit illudchirp raphuan decreti contrari- umnobis.And lafl all he added], h Volun tarium voluntaryprimiparentisfuffrcere adve- . ri norninis peccaturn inparvulo: est enim ilia voluntas Adj quodammodo voluntas parvuli, ex Dei decreto. Thefe and many moreagree with Calvine,inattributing the unavoidable imputationof Adams offenfe and tranfmit- ringofhis corrupted nature unto a voluntary and free conflitutionof God,inwhofepow- er and pleafure it flood (if in his wifdome he had ken it more fit) to have ordered it otherwife. If this decree make God the prin ipall caufe of (inne in Adams pofleri- ty, riot onely Calvine but all other Divines lie open to this Authoursaccufation. But be is utterly miftaken, and pinneth a falfe Æ ÍyIm;,Æ p. 8 t. ait. h pa;. 260.