vppugneth not Gods Flolinej. 247 falfe confequent toa'true antecedent. For though Gods will was the caufe ofmaking the former decree, That all Adams pofleri- ty thould be liable to the loffe of righteouf neffe andpunifhment of finne upon Adams difobedience , even as if themfelves had fingularly and perfonally tranfgreffed yet neither God nor this decree of God was the caufe either of Adams tranfgref Iron perfonally committed by himfelf, or of the corruption and guilt of damnation which feifed upon his pofleritie. The law or decree , That if a noble man become a traitour , he with all his pofleritie (hall be tainted in bloud , and tripped of the priviledges of nobilitie , is not the caufe either of the fathers treafon or of the chil- drens Joffe and punifhment : but the true proper working caufe thereof is the rebel- lious will and at of the father. Even fo here , Gods decree revealed unto Adam , That if he finned all his pofleritie fhouldbe liable to corporali and fpirituall death, was fo farre from being the caufe of his finne or his childrens miferie, that it was in its own nature a ftrong retrative or preferva- tive to have kept him and his children out of finne andout of miferie. If Adams difobedience( which was the onely true caufe of his own and childrens miferie a had followed as aneceflâry conic- Q 4 quent