Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

248 The S1 hlap f rians doc`Zrine quent effec`f upon filch an antecedent law, then had God been the caufe bothof the finneand mifery whereinto he plunged him- felf and his children: But the law which enat`feth a certain punifhment againft finne committed,is byno wifeman made thecaufe of finne committed againft that law, but a rule onely according unto which,if thefinne be committed, the punilhment (hall be in- flicted. Albeit therefore naturall generati- on confdered alone in it felt without the fore-turned free conffitution of God,would not have propagated Adams finne or mife- ry unto his polferitie, yet we acknowledge ( and fo did Calvine ) that it is now propa- gated bywayofnnaturall generation; becaufe God had enacted that Adam fhould beget children in his own likeneffe, that is parta- kers of the fame originali righteoufneffe which he had, fuppofing he kept it; and par- takers of his finne, fuppofng he infected himfelf with theat and guilt of finne. As for his objeUians ; Ifwe befallen into theguilt of the farfi fine and the corruption ofnature, onely becaufe we were in Adams leyns when he finned then are we in like manner guiltie ofall theJinnes hecommits ed a, f erwards We anfwer ; Though Adams voluntary rebellion was the onely caufe why he loft his originali righteoufncffe both for himfelf and IJ