oppugneth not Gods Holine f . 24 and for his children, and though his chil- dren beentangled inhis finneandguilt one- ly bybeing in his loyns when he finned, or becaufe they are his children, yet it will not follow that his pofreritie "landin like man- ner guiltie ofall thefins whichAdamcommit- ted from thefallunto his lives end.T he reafon is ; 'Becaufe though naturali propagation be the means of conveying Adams finne unto us, yet (as beforewas touched) it wouldnot have done fo had there not been a liberum decretum eliablifhed by God to that pur- pofe. And therefore Adams finne canno further concern his pofleritie then is regu- latedby God himfelf. Now the Divine de- cree or conflitution did not fo order it that any finne of Adam {hould be imputable to all that were virtually in his loyns, but that his firfl finneonely, in whichhe didfu,llinere perfonarn generis humani, íhould be impu- ted. And therefore Aquinasexcluding his after-fins committed when he was hirnfelf fallen and corrupted ; faith, ü Secundièm = ia. z=, q: fidemcatholicam eft tenendum qu'ad primum siarr.i. peccatum primi hominis tranflit in poferas. And he is fo farre from colleaing (as this Authour Both) that by being in his loyns his poílerity becometh guiltie of all his other finnes, that he accounteth it impofli- bie. k Irrpofabile ell qu'od aliqua peccata kArt.z. proxitnoruan parentum vel etiamprimi paren- tis