25a The Sublap f rians dearine tis ( prgeter primum) per orìgìnem traducan.7 ars.1 tur. $ellarminegiveth the reafon5 becaufe grat,4, a o, 5 whiffi Adam flood inverted with originall righteoufneffe, totius humani generis gef it pertnam : and therefore that firft fin which alone put him out of this.eftate was onely imputable to us, as being voluntary to us voluntate primi parentis. Malderus more q. r a E q.s art.a, clearly and puntually; Nullapeccataprirni a, parentis prxter primum per originem tradu: cuntur in poileras. Qando enim amifit z obis fmel juflitiam, jam ami/it qualitatem capitis, d- non ampliàs in ipfius tanquam capitis vo- luntate manfmus. Ratio eft, quòd decretum five pac7un$ Dei, quo in Alamo conflutueban- tur poflerorum voíuntates , non extendebat f ad alfa ipfius peccata, utpote qui gratiam ca; pitis moralis primo peccato amirerat. I might quote many more ; but by thefe it is clear that whilft this Authour thinketh he difpu- te,th onely againfl Calvine and Calvinifts, he oppofeth the received doctrine of the Catholick Church. His fecond inference,That children fliould beguilty of all the firmes of their other Pro- genitours, is like the former, and upon the fame grounds rejeäed by all Divines : and therefore it needeth no particular anfwer. And when he goeth about by teftimonies of Scripture to prove it, that they are not guiltie of their Parents firmes, he maketh himfelf