oppugneth iaot Gods Holinere. 251 ielfwork inproving that which no man Áeth . 'All that I will fay is this ; That the Pela -- 'jans from filch teflimonies of Scripture at about tooverthrow the imputation of ems finne untohis pofterity, and the de- ,ition of his corruption ; but for. their ins they were held and condemned as he- reticks. Vide Bellarm. de amifJ Grat. lib. 4. cap. 8. 6, Maid. T. 2. q.8i.art. t. pag. 254. where he bringeth in the Pelagian obje- dons. Our own txth Article of Originall or Birth-finne infinuateth a guilt and a corru- ption caufed by Adams firft tranfgrefïion; and yet our Churchnever taught that there was the fame or like guilt proceeding from his after-finnes, or from the finnes of our other progenitours. Fide Vafq. in r. 2. quail. $3. dill). 135. cap. 2. p.883. Thus muchofthe firft. He would in the fecond place prove that abfolute Reprobation muff needs make God the principali caufe of finne, becaufe the patrones thereof hold , That God hath immutably decreed to leave the greateft part of mankind in this impotent condition irrecove- rably, and to afford them no ffficientpower to make them rifeout ofPanne : and this decree he executeth in time, andboth thefe he dothout of his own will and pleafure. A bundle of words