Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

252 The Sublapfruns doérine words, but little fubitance in them. Wean fwer firtl in generali ; That many who fioutly defend abfolute Predefiination and Reprobation, and oppofe the conditionate Elation and Preterition of the Remon- firants, do notwithftanding deteft and con fate that blafphemous errour, That God is the caufeoffiune. Neither do I now fpeak this of Calviniíls, but of Jefuites, Domini_ canes and Romanifts ofall forts, Again,the greater part of thofe who hold abfolute Predefiination and Reprobation and reject the Predeftination and Reprobation which by the Remonfirants is founded upon pre- fcience, do hold notwithftanding a generali fufficiency ofgrace, Si per homines non fie- terit quo minis > Which is all the Remon- firants themfelves do defend. As for the executing ofGods decree out of his own will and I wonder it Mould be objeted as falfeand off nfive. For by Gods decreesconcerningmans Eleé ion and Preterition abfolute or conditionall, it is certain they are executed as they wereen- a&ed,that is, according to the will and plea- fureof God, and not of the creature. But to come to his propofirions particularly. G His fief. God (by thofe which oppofe the Remonfirants conditionate Eleáion and Reprobation, and make them both depend upon Gods abfolute will) isfiidto leave the Non-