oppugneth not GodsHolineffe.. 25; jton-elet without fufficient grace, and conf quently under an everlafling necefsity offin- ning.. This is the Helen, &c. The moll ofthofe who defend abfoltite can Predeflination and Reprobation fay and teach, that God decreeth to leave no man unprovided of fufficient grace that repelleth it not by forcedemeritorious adofhis own will. It is therefore a manifeli untruth, that with joynt confent they labour to maintein that which with joynt confent a great num- ber ofthem labour toconfute. Again, they which maintein abfolute Reprobation will no more grant that it putteth or leaveth any man under everlaíling neceflitie offinning, then that abfolute Predeflination putteth men under a neceffitie ofnot finning. Gods decrees (as hath been often faid and pro- ved) carry alongwith them necefiitatemin- fallibilitatis quoad eventurn, but not necefsi- tatem conpulßonis quoad rnodum agendi 6- eveniendi. Thedecree ofReprobation left not Cain under the necefiirie of killinghis brother, nor Abfalom under a neceflitie of defiling his fathers concubines, nor Judas under a neceflitie of betraying Chrifl : All thefe finfull a Lions and the likearecommit- ted by Reprobates out of their own free eledion, having a power whereby they might have abfleined from committing them. And therefore to think that the de- cree tr.