354 The Sublap frians dotrine cree of abfolute Reprobation muff needs: leave them under a neceifitie ofcommitting, their feverall fumes, is a We and vain final.. gination, as every mans confcience is able to witneffe. Thofe who caft Reprobation into two aas do not by the negative at thereof under- ftand a peremptory denyall of all grace, but a peremptory denyall of all fuch effeetuall grace as infallibly would bring them unto glory, and a peremptory permitting them in the ufe of grace to their own defeuive free-will. This negative Reprobation in the judgement of moil Divines doth ftand with the aduall adminiflration of fufficient grace, and in the judgement of all it may Vide y"a_ ftand with ir, as it did in the Nonelection of cob.Bayum, the apofl aticall Angels. It is doubtedboth lib. i,u ca by Tome H and Papifis, whether Sys. fufficient grace be defacto prepared for and offered to all the Non-elect : But that Gods abfolute decrees of Elec`iion and Non-ele- &ion might ¡land firm though it were fo, there is no great caufe ofdoubt. For the pofitive ad, which this Authour defcribeth to be to a preordination untohell torments ; thofe who comprife them both under this one word Reprobation, do not- withilanding make this at or decree refpe- elive unto finne, as we havealready ihewed. As for thofe of our Church in this contra-, verfie