oppugned) gat Gods FIolinefJê: verfie; whether Predeflination and Non- predeftination be grounded upon the prime abfo lute will of God, or upon his prefci- ence ofgood and bad aas to be performed by men, they do and mutt underftand by the word Reprobation not the decree ofda- mning anyparticular perfons, but onely the abfolute decree of not-preparing for them that efeí`fuall gracequit certifsirnè liberaren- tur, and of leaving them to fuch means of grace under which by their own default infallibiliter ruunt ad interiturnvoluntarium. Thus our Englifh Divines in their fuffrage have defcribed ir, and thus the reverendand judicious Bifhop of Norwich conceived it when he madebothRemonftrants or Armi- nians and Contra-remonftrants or Puritanes ( as he termeth them ) to erre out of the true middle way which the Church of England holdeth in oppofition to them both. In Eleé,tion he fnaketh this the er- rout of the Remonftrants, That they ground theabfolure decree of mens particular Ele- leaion upon the prefcience of their faith and perfeverance (as this Authour doth ) whereas that reverend Prelate holdeth with the Church ofEngland, and S. Augufline, Eleclio non invenit eligendos, fedficit. As for the errours ofthe Puritanes about Pre- deli=nation or Eleetion, he reduceth them to thefe heads, the excluding of the conch- tionare