256 The Sublaprarians doctrine tionate decree or evangelicall promife, the difordering ofthe decree of Predeftination by bringing it in before the fall and the de- cree of Chrifis incarnation. As for the preparation and donation of fuch a fpeciall grace per quamnon f lúm pofsint credere asst obedire fi velint, fed& jam ac u velint, cre- dant, obediant, he maketh it the proper fruit and effet ofEleecion : whereas hegranteth unto the Non-elect onelyßlutem gratiâm- quecommunem& fufcientem in mediis Di- vinitus ordinatis , fi verbo Dei fpirituíque fanao deep noluerint . Unto which adde that wherein all Divines of all fides agree, ThatGod adminif}reth this commongrace with an eternal! and infallible prefcience that it will be rejected or abufed by the Non-ele&, and with an abfolute decree of permitting it fo to be; and then it is clear, the Englifh Divines with the Church of England nec divertifre ad dextram in illorum fintentiam qui exprefcitafide &perfcverantia per liberam cooperationem arbitrìi humanigra- tieprezvenientís & fi f cientis auxiliis infi`ru- c`li pradeßinationem deducunt, nec ad fini- flram declinaßé in illorum opinionem qui pro- mifionenageneralem gratiam fií f cientem tolluant, &c. They are the words of that reverend Prelate Dr Overall. To return to our Authour; Whereas he faith thatall the defenders of abfolute Predefeination and