opptgnethnot Gods Holinefe. and Reprobation (that is, all who oppofe the Remonftrants condirionare Ele6tion and Non-eletion) do agree, that by the decree of Reprobation neceffary grace for avoydang finne is fitly denied to Reprobates, it is quite otherwife. For fàvinggrace, many confeffe that in caufis univerfalibus it is fufficiently prepared for all men : They confeffe that under the Evangelicall covenant, Si credide- ris, f lvus eris, every manhath a trueclaim unto eternall life : They confeffe, that wherefoever is Chrifls Church,tliere is fuch a fufficient adminiftratiori ofgrace as would have faved the Non-ele&, had theynot op- pofed a malignant voluntary aca of their ownwill againft the motionsand operation ofDivine grace; according to thofe words of our Saviour., John 3.17. & 1 2.47, 48.8t Aìs i 3.46. Calvine faith as much ; g Mundi n ra Joh. 3; Women iterum iterumque repetit, ne quis orn- nino arceri f putet, mod? fidei viam teneat. We therefore, as well as the Remonftrants, grant a conditional) poibilitie ofgrace and falvation to all men : but here is thediffe- rence ; We fay the Eleaby a fpeciall mer- cy ofGod are fo guidedand ruled that they and they 'alone perform the condition, and that the Non-eleet are alwayes permitted to fail in the performance of the condition. Now whereas this Authour faith, that whatfoever we fpeak of grace afforded to R perfons 257