Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

258 I The Sublapfarians doOrine perfons Not-eleeted mail be underflood of fahgrace ac is irefuficient to make them avoid finne, he is a very bad interpreter of our meaning. We think and teach, that God bath not prepared for them, and therefore, never giveth unto them fuch graceas finally freeth them from finne : but we fay, that God Both give them oftentimes fuch a meafure of grace as keepeth them from committing manyparticular finnes where- unto they are proneand bent ofthemfelves. We fay further, that Godgiveth them fuch a meal-lure of illumination, filch excitations unto doing good and efchewing evil, as lea- veth themconviáed in their ownconfcien- ces (whatfoever brabblers may fay to the contrary) that wittingly and willingly they commit their feverall finnes, not out of in- fuf}iciency to avoid theads of adultery, rob- bery, theft, deceit, &c. but out ofmalignity defirngand chooting to do them. For the fecondbranch; Whereashe will have the defenders of abfolute Non- elehi- on or negative Reprobation to fry and hold, That Godclothatually according to his eternal' undunchangeable decree leave the reprobates in theirfeverall times andgenerations without his grace, under a necefsitie of fcnallfinne andina- penitency, fùrely they never chofe him tobe their fpeaker. If this man will give them leave to speak for themfelves, this it is they fay,