óppugneth vot Gods Holineffë. fay, That God doth in time according to his eternall decree withhold from all per- fons Not -elected that fpcciall mercie or of- . feóuall grace whichhe knoweth would in- fallibly free them from finali finne and im- penitency, and leaveth them ( not without all grace , nor under a neceffitie of living and continuing in thepraEtice oftheir finnes, but) under grace committed (as the Re- moníirants would have it ) to the dominion andgood ufage of their own free-will, and under apermit ionof their finali finningand impenitency out oftheir own:free - will:From both which God infallibly forefaw their finali impenitencie, and refpeäively there- unto decreed their eternal! puni(hment. But how doth he prove that they muff needs fay as he would have theme His rea- fon is , Becaufe Gods decrees cannot be fru- firated: What he purpofed before time, without fail he doth in time. We agree that quad eventum Gods decrees cannot be fruftrated. But this impoffibilitieof frufi'ration arifeth not from a neceffitie put upon the agents to do thus andnot otherwiCe ( as this Authour perpetually but mofi falfely doth fuppofe ) but from that infallible providence of God, whocan and dothbring, into adevents de- creed according to the nature of the next caufes or immediate agents. Naturall agents work naturally in producingdecreed events: R 2 neccí. 259