Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

260 ?he Sublapfarians doctrine a". fary agents workneceffarily:and freeagents fuch as are Angels and men, work freely. It is a flat Nonfeguitur , Events decreed cannot be fruflrated; Therefore the agents are under a neceftie of finning. And it is further to be confidered , that albeit all Gods decrees are infruftrable, yet there is a main diference betwixt Gods decrees of producing good faving as in his Elea, and of permitting the Non-elect to pro- duce their wicked adiions , and finally to continue in them. The former hedothby ding his own hand in framing their hearts unto fuch good afïions, and guiding their wills indeclinably in the voluntarypraóice thereof: but as for the latter, their wicked hearts are not wrought by God, nor their wicked wills guided by God unto their wic- ked actions., but they are permitted out of their own free-will to commit fuch wicked a6tions. Here is no neceffity put upon the agents by either of the forenamed decrees. K For the Divines of Geneva; theyhave fet down nothing in their tef}imonie alledged, but either that God calleth not the Non- eled, or that he calleth them not vocatio- re fecundhmpropofitur, which alwayes foi- loweth Predeftination, and draweth after it Juftification , Santification and Glorifi- cation. In the firft they fpeak ofan Evan- gelicall , vocation, by revealing Chrift in the