26z The Sublapfarians do!Irine worth the obferving, That when the Re= monftrants have faid all they can for the univerfalitie and fufficiencie offaving grace, they are forced by convincing arguments and evidenceofScripture to retreat unto the fame univerfalitie and conditional) fufficien- cie which I fpake of but now, and where- in no man oppofeth them. Nay we are of opinion, that tohave fufficient means of fal- vation adminiftred , which fhall prove no otherwife effeuuall then under this condi- tion, si homines fibi non defint, is an argu- ment of the Divine Non - election : as on the contrary, not to have their falvation thus fufpended upon their own free-will, but upon that fpeciall mercie ofwhichS. Augufline fpake when he faid, Deus nulli- s frujirsì miferetur , is a demonftrative ar- gument of the Divine Elehtion. 3. Laft ofall , whereas Lubbertus faith that God loth not adminiFler fufficient grace Unto all with an intention of faving them , nothing more true, nothing more clear. For what God doth eternally decree or intend to do, that he in time infallibly doth : For he cloth all according to the eternall counfl of his own Fill. But hedoth not in time fave the Non- ele& by that fufficient grace whereof this Authour fpeaketh : therefore he had not an eternal! intention of faving them by that grace which, frorn all eternitie he knew would