264 The Stablapfttians d©c rine pleafure. If he mean the leaving of meti Not-eleeted utterly forlorn of all fuch grace as would fave them if themfelves were not in fault, and the necefiitating of them to their tranfgreffion and perdition, we acknowledge no fuch decree, no fuch manner of executing anyDivine decree, no fuchabfolute will and pleafure in God to follow upon the decree of Non-eleCtion. Our EnglifhDivines affirm that this Non- eleE}ion is founded in the moft free plea- Lure of God : So our Spanifh Divines, our Italian Divines, French Divines (whonever faw the Synod of Dort ) and in a word, all Divines who know what they affirm when rimy difpute of' Non-election or negative Reprobation. And yet neither theEnglifh Divines nor they ever dreamed of fuch a r!fing-over the Non-elect by the mere will of God as this Authour would fallen upon the decree of Non-ele.;}ion. He hath alrea- die been fully anfwered , that the abfolute decreeof Non.. elehion implieth not an ut- ter denying of fufficient grace in the limited and conditional! acception of Sufficiency, which the Rernonflrants themfelves are content to admit of. It is to as little purpofe which he hath eut of the Palatine Miniflers Suffrage, or the Divines ®f Helen, the fènfe of which inopofitions bath beenalready cleared, and the