oppugneth not Gods Holinef. the truth proved: and therefore we let them paffe. As forfinne, which is confidered equal' inall men tanquaW communie affemíiofubjetti, whether eleâed or not-eleted, it is plain, that it make th all and everyman reprobabiles: but it muff needs be out of his own plea- fure and free-will, that all being in a faate unworthie of the riches of Gods fpeciall mercy,he fhould notwithflanding prepare it . for fome, and decree the giving it in due time, which we call their Predeftination, and not prepare nor decree to bellow it up- onothers, but to leave them undercommon grace, and to permit them to the deficient rule of their own will, which we call nega- tive Reprobation. The ground of the Remonflrants errour is a falfe fanfe, which theyhave enterteined into their underftandings concerning the very nature, formalitie or effence of thede- crees ofDivine Predeflination andnegative Reprobation. For whereas in deed and in truth they are decrees finding all men in a miferable and damnable eftate, and out of it determining to bring fameand to fit them for eternall happinefie,and not to bring o- thers by fitting them thereunto; thefe men make them decrees finding and feeing force by the ads of their own will fitted for hea- ven and heal, and thereunto appointing them accord- 265