Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

266 The Sublap f rians doUrine according to their deferts and snifdeferts: This is with Fatiflus the Sewipelagian to makePredeflination an adof remunerative juflice, and tomake Non-predeftination or Non-elehíon an adof vindicative juflice: both which are rejeted as erroneous not onely by Calvinifls or Contra_remon- flrants, but even by the common confent of theRomane Divines. God at the laft day wall crown the Elea and condemne the Non-elect according to their finali perfe- verance in faith or infidelitie and impeni- tency. But this difference of their finali elates abfolutely forefeen is a confequent not anantecedent to thedecrees ofEledion andPreterition. I might paffe-bywhat he further addetlh upon his own falfe inferences, of Gods bringingmen into a necefsitie offinning, and leaving Reprobates under this necefsitie, be cue I have (hewed no fuch thing canbe deduced from that abiblute negative Re- probation which we defend. But let us heare what he will fay. He reafoneth thus; CAUSA CAUS.Æ EST ETIAM CAUSA C A U S A T r, where there is a necefforyfibor- dination betwixt the caufe andthe eifeel,whether it be a caufenegativeorpojitive : But by the do- Urine of abfolure Reprobation we make God the chiefor foie caure of the finnes ofRe. probates , namely through their impoterrty or want