Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

oppugneth not Gods Holineffë. 267 want of fupernaturall grace. For the ordi_ narie Axiome, we admit it ubi fecunda caul on egreditur ordinem prime, that is, where the fecond caufe worketh or doeth any thing by virtue of that influx or motion that it bath from the firff. As for this diftinaion of _Negative and Pofitive causing,it is obfcure and improper. The aire hath heat and light from the pofi- tive caulingof the funne - beams; darkneffe, foggineífe , coldneffe followeth upon the negation of the funne-beams : and yet nei- ther the funne nor his beams nor the tetra- aions of his beams, are true or proper caufes of coldneffe or darkneffe in the aire. The reafonhimfelfhath touched upon, Be- caufe thofe difpofitions or qualities in the aire iffuenot from the funne perfübordinatio- nem effec ì adtautrn, but out of the nature of the aire onely : That is a caufe per quay; res eft id quod eft. Thus the funne is the truecaufe that the aire is hot and light. If by virtue flowing from the abfent funne it be madedark, then might we call the funne a caufeof the darkneffe. In proportionwe fay the fame of God : Iffrom his decree of Non-eleóion there flow any darkneffe or pravity into mans will, or anycrookedneffe and finfulneffe into his aaious, there were forne colour in terming him a negative caufe ofmans funne : But this he fhall never be ableto demonflrate. He