26a The Suhlapfarians docárine He faith, that Godby his decree ofnega- tive .eproloation is the foie or chief caufeof that impotencie andwant offupernaturall grace which is theneceffarìe and immediate caufe of all the finnes which they commit. Want of the grace of Predeftination is neither chief nor foie, nor any caufe at all of the finnes of the Non-predeílinate. Non- Eledion or negativeReprobation doth not involve any fuch impotencieof avoiding finfull ads , or any fuch neceffitie of committing finfull aâions, as this man imagineth. For though Preterition or Non-eleci~ion be not a prepa- ringor bellowing of fuch grace as would infalliblymake men better, yet it mull not be conceived to be the working of any thing in them whereby they are made worfe. Again,though negative Reprobation be a deniall of fuch grace as doth effetually produce the faith, perfeverance, and eter- nall happinelTe of theElea, yet it is no fuch abfolute fubtraclionof graceas is a necellä- rieand immediate caufe of any mans parti- cular finnes, or of his finali perfeverance in finne. The Non-elect Angels were under the eternall decree of negative Reprobati- on before theywere created; yet were they not by want ofluflicient grace at their crea- tion made impotent to Eland , much lelfe coníirained by any neceflitie to rebell and finne against God. Adam in the flare of his