oppug»et i not Gods Holineffe. 269 his innocencie was not predeflinated to per= feverance; nay, ( which is more) God had positively decreed the perrriìffion of his fall: yet the want of a decree predeftina- ting his perfeverance in that eflate did nei- ther af'ec`± himwith an impotencie of fland- ing nor with a neceffitie of falling. Vide Profp. ad Vincent. Refp. I o. is. RE MOVENS PROHI }3 EN S, Than P which withholdeth a thingwhich being prefent wouldhinder an e-vent,is thecaufe ofthat event: But God withholdeth from Reprobates that power which being granted might keep them from falling into thane : thereforehe becometh a true morali caufe oftheir fannes. His major propofition is a moft inconfiderate and falfe affertion; which if he will juftifie, he un- anfwerably maketh God the caufe of all finne. For no Divine will denk but it lieth within thecompaffe ofGods power to give unto any man that effeduall grace which bothmight and infallibly would make him freely and believe and- perfe- vere, and which both might and would in- fallibly hinder the event ofunbelieving and finall perfeverance in incredulitie and im- penitencie. And it is as evident, that God doth withhold from fome that grace which being prefent would hinder thole bad events : Who feeth not what the con- clufion mull be were the major propofti- on