27° TheSublapf rians doc7rine on true :' Ch rift withheld from Lazarus that.Divine operation which being prefent would have hindered the event of his death : Yet Martha faith onely unto him, ,Job. ii. Lord, if thou haddeft been here, my brother hadnot been dead. She faith nor, Lord, thou diddeft withhold a thing which if it had been prefent would have hindred this event ofmy brothers death : and therefore I find thee to have been the morall caufe ofhis death. IfJu- das had had a fiber , fhe might truly have faid unto Chrift, Ifthou haddeTt been prefent inmy brothersfoul by the rpeciallgrace of Pre- deftiratien, this might andwouldhave hinder- ed thefe wofull events ofhisfnning unto death, ofhis avtog impenitent in finne, ofhisbeing damnedfin. finne : But fhe could not charge God to be the caufe of tholeevents onely for ;withholding that which would have hindered them. As for the example he ufeth , of cut= fing a firing where n a f/one hangeth and fo exiling the fall thereof, it were to force purpofe if the decree of Preterition had been it which cut the firing , and fo eau, / fed mans fall into finne. But it was the de- I vil and mans voluntary defective adwhich cut the firing. Reprobation or Preterition was onely a decree of not giving fuch a firing as neither the devil nor the firmer hirnfclffhould be permitted tocut: As