Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

oppugneth not Gods Holinef. 7 r As for that which he further urgeth, that Godmull needs beadirect caufe of the event when it is not betide his intention or expeja- tion, We anfwer, that God is no otherwife faid to intend outward events then bypro- viding orderly means for producing Inch events. Nonele&ion provideth no means of making men finne , and therefore it in- cludeth no intention of God to make men fnne , though it include a previfion offin- full events, and decree to permit them. We fay the fame of expeâation , which is onely metaphorically attributed untoGod, and cannot refpeó wicked aCtions. God is faid even from the Non-elet exfpcClare uv c non labrufia, becaufe heaffordeth them ordinary means for producing the one, but they , themfelves, by abufe of the means are the onely caufes producing the other. So that neither intention nor expeetation of finfull events can be afcrihed to God, be- caufe both have a reference unto good things not unto bad. A Pilote withholdinghis careandskiff from a fliip inaflorm, forefeeing it will be drowned, is a proper caul of the lob ofthefhip:: there- fore God by this aaanddecreeofReprobation, &c. I anfwer , Ifone pilote wilfully hath brought a form upon his fhip , ifwilfully he run herupon the rocks, though another look on and forefee the%yili fplit herfelf, he maketh