Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

oppofth Gods .Mercy. Flay 65. 2. that is, I have been patient a long time, and in that time I havenot been idle,but imployed inexhorting,pro- mifing, and (hewing mercy, that fo I might do you good. God waiteth a great while for the converfion of finners, as mar* ners do for their tide: and at laft with much ado, if there be a neceflity, hechideth and fighteth. 3. In its (E) Amplitude or °bje&s to whom it is extended: hifitingthe iniquities of thefathers upon the children to the THIRD and PouRTHgeneration, but(hewing mercy to THOU- SANDS, Exod. Zo. 5. In there words God implyeth that his mercy reacheth further then his juftice, and that look how much three or foutecome fhort of a thoufand, fo much loth his juflirc come Ihort of his mercy in the exercife of it. 4. Tn the Occafions (F) that move God toexercife them. It is great matter that moveth God to punifh, as we may fee Gen. 6. 5, 6, 7, I2,, 13. When the wicledneffe of man was great in the earth , and all flefh hadcorrukted his way, then God thurketh of a floud. He would not deftroy the Arno- rites till their wickednefe wars full. How oft would I have gathered thee (faith, Chrift to jerufalem , Matth. 23. 37. that is, I have not taken advantages ag'ainfl; thee, nor upon the firft , fecond or third unkindneffe cart thee off: finali matters have not moved me to deftroy thee, O Jeru- falem. But how finali an occafion doth God take to (pare men ? When he had examined Sodome , and found their finnes to he anfwerable to the cry, yet then for ten righ- teous mens fakes would he have fpared Sodomc, Gen. t S. 32 Nay, he would have feared Jerufalem , if the Pro- phet could by his fearching have found one man who did execute judgement andfeel the truth, Jer.5. a. What a (len- der humiliation made him to (pare wicked Ahab and his houle a long time? s.Kings zr. 2.9. And the repentance of Nineveh, whole wickednefie cîyed. to the Lordfor vengeance, Jonah a. z.did eafïly procure her a pardon. Thus is Gods Mercy advanced above his Jufl.ice. I I. It is compared (G) alt() with the AffeEtion of a father to his fonne, of a tender mother toher child, and of the rnofi affetionate bruits to their brood, and let above them all. It goethbeyond á fathers to his forme, Matth. 7. rr. tfye that .are evil, can give goodgifts to your children, howmuch more will your heavenly Father give good things to them that a4 him i What doth this quantómagas imply, but that Gods loge outitrippeth a fathers I And fo it doth a mothers coo, S .fad+ 273