Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

34 The Abfolutedecree palhoned. let down the Sublapfarian.way: Even they do many times let fall fuch fpeeches as cannot fairly be reconciled with abfolute Reprobation. I will onely cite Profper : ( for S. Auguftine fpeaketh in him.) He difcourfing of Tome that fall away á fanCtitate ad immunditiem , from holinef e to uncleanneffe, q Pao p. ad faith, qThey that fall awayfrom holineJ/e to uncleannefje, lie not ObjèrI3.Gall. under aneceftyofperifhingbecaufe theywere not predej$inate; Non exeo but therefore they were not predestinate, becaufe they werefore- nereundi known to befuch by voluntaryprevarication. Not long after pereundi ha- buerunt quia fpeaking ofthe fame men he faith, r Becaufe God forefaw they przdeftinati wouldperifb by their own free-will, therefore he didnot by any non funta fed redeftinatioi ever themfrom the children of perditiop. And flippræde- again in hisanfwer to the iith Objeaion hebath thefe words, ítinati non funt,quia ta- f Godbath not withdrawn from any manability to yield obedi- les futuri ex once becaufc he hath notpredeftinatedhits; but becaufe be fore- voluntaria law hewouldfallfrom obedience, therefore be bath notpredefii- prævaricari- oue præfciti needhi,n. font.. I will Phut up the inftances of that age with the judgement r P-rn(p. Refp. of the Councel at Arles againft the Pelagians in the yeare ad ObjeCt. 7. true, or thereabout. ThisCounceI fubfcribed to the letter rQuturospro- which was written by Fauftus againft Lucidos the Predefti- priâ volun- nadan, and made the 4nathemaes (F) and curfes which tareprxfci therein he denounceth againft him and fuck like, to be'their vit, ob hoc á owns Some of which were thefe; t Curled be the man thatPall Plus perditi that the man that perifhetb might note have beenfaved. and ouis nullâ prædeftinati- again, ° Curfed be the man that'ballfay that a veffelof difho: one difcrevir. nour may not rife to be a veffel of honour. f ad odFR rp. A teftimony or two I will borrow likewife froth fome per- 1 obedi- fops of note, and thofe S. Auguftines followers too, who lived entix non about foure hundred ycares after S Auguftines time. Remi- ideocuiquam gins the great patrone of Gottfchalk the zealous preacherand fubtraxit ubliíler of Abfolreprobation in thofe times in his anfwer gáia eum nó p ut re p prædeft;na- to that epiftlewhich we fuppofe to be the Epiftle of Rabanus, . vit; fed quia to Rabanus layingThat God did vv make the nations of the receffiirum worldhealthful', and that he loth velie om,ces hombres falvos ab ipfa obe- feu `will that all men be faved; he iveth filch án anfwer as dientia effe > > g prxvidit,ideo cannot,ftand with Abfolute reprobation: x This, faith he, is cum nonpra:- veil true, becaufe God layetb on no man a nece/fty ofpertfbing, deftir;avit. t Anathema illi qui dixerit ilium qui periit non accepiffe ut falvus effe poflir. u Anathema illi qui dixerir quòd vas contumeliz non pofïit aflùrgere ut fit vas in honorem. vv 1fCoptlfret,hift.Gottfc.p.53,& 54 Sanabiles facete nationes orbis terrarum. x Px hoc omnino verum eft, quia nemini Deus impot.it neçcttitateni per- eundi, ficur nemini imponit necefficatemmala