Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

decree cleared of propter peccata impios punir , fac edam de- crevíffe illos propter hicpeccatapunire. This Authour is doublymill aken : Firfl, 3n that heconceiveth a condizionate Prede- tination or Election grounded upon Pre- fcienceof mens good anions ; whereas no fuch good anions can be forefeen in men confidered in flatu mdfe corrupt e , but as they are caufed by that grace which was eternally prepared for them in their Prede- tination, andaóually bellowedupon them in their effetuall Vocation , Justification Sanaification. This conditional) Prede- tination upon forefight of mens goodneffe or holineffe, was the errour which Augu- ftineafcribeth to thePelagians : s Prxfciebat 9 iiug. ve ergo , ait,Pelagianus, qui futuri efentfanc1i. Ánß per libere voluntatis arbitriunn, & ideo eos ante c, i s. mundi conflitutionem in ipfa rua preefccientia, quit tales futuros effé prafcivit, elegit. But whatfaith S. Augufline to this point.: r Non r acid. quia futuri eramus f nli , fedut fêmus , nos elegit. Ideo quippe tales eramus futuri , quia elegit ipfa prdeftinans ut tales pergratiam e f f mus. Secondly , he is miftaken, in thinking thofe fpeeches of the Fathers cannot fairly ftandwith abfolute Non-ele6tion , Pfeter- itionor negative Reprobation, which im- port a decree ofpofitive or punitive Repro- bation, that is, ofdamnation , nootherwile grounded 43