Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

53o of the abufe andufeof the doarine were ordained for the elect. For they know well , that prayer is the keyofheaven, and that God doth not ufe to beftow his faving graces upon lazie fluggards , lilt upon fuch as duly .feek after them. Moreover,the fame Spirit of Adoption which beareth wit- neífe to our fpirit that we are Gods chofen children, is alfo the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication, and enflameth our hearts to call dailyuponour heavenlyFather. Thofe therefore who from the certaintie of their Predeftination do pretend that the duty of prayer is fuperfuous, do 'plainly íhew that they are fo farre from having any certaintie of their Predeflination that they have not the leafs fenfe thereof. Aquinas fpeaketh APart.t.qu. very learnedly and foundly , X The Elea Tree. 8. ought to labour in good works and in prayer : aaCis Conan -for hereby their Eleaion is afertained andac- dam eft ad complijhed. Y For as naturali e f ee s though Mere ope- ore /e-en b y God, yet are brought into acl by na- randun f J cranduPa, turall caufes, without which they cannot come to quiaper bu- paifé ; fo the f lvation of the Elect being de- jufmodi predeftiu - creed by God , what(oever furthereth the fame tlon:4 efe- falleth under thefame decree, its prayer, care to íußcerri- livegodlily, and the like, without which the [ l- tud[naliter irnßlesu,. vation ofthe Eleawill never be accompli/hed. Idem, By how much therefore the firmlier any man is perfwaded in his heart of his Prece-. flination, fo much the greater ought his care to be ofpraying frequently unto God. For example;