Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

ofPredetár.atïon andRepro6ition. 53 t example; There was never any who more 'firongly urged the doarine ofabfolute Pre- deflination never any who had more clear apprehenfionofhis own Ele&ion , then the Apofile S. Paul and yet this dog±rite and apprehenfion did not (as the Pelagians falfe- 1y affirm) withhold him from prayer, bus made him more vehement and frequent in that duty. The fame may we fay ofJames, who is flyled the brother of the Lord Without doubt he (ifever any other) had -a molt firm perfwafion of the love of God and of his own Eie&ion, yet (as Fufebius recordeth) fo did he wont himfelf to daily cleÇ.1th. o 2 , that his knees became hard and " brawnie like the feet ofa camel. ro be flack and fluggifh therefore in prayer is not the propertie of thofe who by the tefiimonyof Gods Spirit have got affurance of their Ele &ion, but rather of filch as have either none or very fmall apprehenfion thereof. For of foon as any one by believing loth conceive hinufelf to be one of Gods elea chidren, he earneflly defireth to procure unto him- fell by prayer thole good things which he believeth that God prepared for his children before the foundation of the world. Laftly, it is manife(f that when the do- &rive of Predeftination is rooted in our hearts , it doth exceedingly enable us p,ti- L 1 ently