Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

532 " De pa- 51ent. c Tn Sent. Appendo good ratior contra id quodfpero, incsm- parabiliter majal e( qaa®d f¡;era- áor quàm good in- fatter. of the abufe and itr ofthe doíirinc ently and meekly to fuflein all adverfitie. Neither is this ufe lightly to be efteemed, feeing that Patience , as Tertullian a faith, is a grace fo necefJry in all religious duties, that he that wanteth it can neither keep any com- mandment, nor perform any work acceptable to the Lord. Now the confideration ofPrede- flination doth work patience in the Flea three manner ofwayes. Firf}, becaufe from thence they conceive certainhope that their momentanie aflitions being ended they Mall infallibly attein life everlafling. Now what man into whole breaft this perfwafion is entred, that he was elected to life eternal! before the creation ofthe world, canbe of fo low and cowardly a fpirit as to be mo- ved to impatience by thecroífes & troubles of this temporali lifer The Apofile encou- raged herewith crieth out thus in the midff ofhis adverfitie, b That thefufferings ofthis prefint timeare not worthy tobe comparedwith the glory which [ball be revealedin us. Holy Profiler , a difciple of S. Paul , fufleineth himfelf with the fameprop; c Iweigh, faith he, what Ifuffer with what I hopefor, andmy hopes do incomparably exceedall my f ferings. Again, the Apoflle Heb. to. 34. alledgeth the knowledge that the faints had ofbeing elehed toeternal! life as a fpeciall caufe of their patience in enduring affliaions : rebid compafsion of me inmy bonds, andtook joyfully the