Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

ofPredeftinationandReprobation. the fpoiling ofyour goods, knowingyour f Ives that ye have in heaven a better andenduring fubftance. As though he had faid, Thofe onelydo patiently endure the Joffe of there earthly goods who know that there be heavenlygoods appointed and prepared for them. Secondly, the confideration of Predeilination doth wonderfully conduce to the begetting of patience in the minds of the faithfull, becaufe whofoever under- flandeth this dot`rine aright, underflandeth withall that he was eleaed not fl raight tobe carried into heaven on a bed ofdown, but to become conformable unto the Head of the Elea Chrift Jefus as well in the croffe as in the crown, and firft in the croffe, after in the crown. For fo faith the Apatite , d I f d 79)23,8./7 fo be that wefuffer with him, we fhall be at[ glorified together. And S. Peter, e Rejoyce e x. pc!. in tis muchas ye arepartakers ofChri's fif r- _;. that when his glory 'hall be revealedye may be gladalfo with exceeding joy. Aflflic`ti- ons therefore donot onely not tire the pati- ence of the Elea. , but they beget within 'Atha . them a ferret and fpirìtuall joy. Forbeing afiaed they rejoyce, and embrace theirfuf: firings like reliques confcrated by the touchof Chrifl. And from this their conformitie with Chrift here in fufrering the miferies of this .life they do 'afiuredly gather their conformitie withhim hereafter in the frui. L 1 z tion 533