534 of the ahuß and u/ ofthedoörine tionofeverlafling joyes according to that Floral. a, of Gregorie , f The more grievous and lea- 4. pia vie my direfares are for theprefint, thegreat malts pr,e- er is my certaintie of' future ¡oyes. Hence fentibcts diiriùs de- not patience alone but joy alfo in affii- primor, eò ¿ions loth fpringup unto the predeflinate. defutrirts fa Thirdly) by the dodrine of Predeflination urirócc^- pnefii_. the faithfull are trainedupuntopatience,be- ana. caufe from thence they learn that all croffes and troubles fall out unto them not by chance but by Gods determinate appoint- ment, not according to the fury of the wicked but according to the will of their Father, lastly, not for their hurt but for their advantage. No man bath throughly learned the 'doctrine of Predeffination but healfo acknowledged) all this : andno man is firmly perfwadedofthis, but he patiently endured) whatfoever misfortunes canbefall him. But if at any time any impatience be found in thebreaft of the faithful!, it is be_ caufe they either not f uficiently believe or not attentively confider thismoll comfort- able' do'r_ine ofPredeflination. For ifthis perfwafion be rooted in our hearts,That no man can do any thing againft us but what 4qs 2,? the counfel of God determined before to he done, we (hall never impatiently grumble becaufe God Both not alter his eternal! decrees that fo we might efcape our momentaryevils, urthçr,if this alfobe zdded,T'h t thewic- ked